Partial Payments

In accordance with O.C.G.A. §15-21A-7, the GSCCCA Board of Directors adopted partial payment priority distribution lists effective for the distributions of fines and fees for courts. The GSCCCA Board of Directors adopted a separate priority list for Superior Courts and State Courts. The two priority lists can be viewed by clicking the link below.
Partial Payment Priority Lists:
Partial Payment Priority List: Fines assessed on or after August 3, 2020
- Peace Officers' Annuity and Benefit Fund (POAB)
- Clerks' Retirement Fund (CRF)
- Sheriffs' Retirement Fund (SRF)
- Brain and Spinal Injury Trust Fund (BSITF)
- County General Fund (COUNTY)
- Jail Construction and Staffing Fund (JAIL)
- Peace Officer, Prosecutor, and Indigent Defense Fund (POPIDF-A)
- Peace Officer, Prosecutor, and Indigent Defense Fund (POPIDF-B)
- Local Victim Assistance Programs (LVAP)
- Law Library (LL)
- Crime Victims Emergency Fund (CVEF)
- Drug Abuse Treatment and Education Fund (DATE)
- Safe Harbor Fund (SHF)
- Crime Lab Fee (CLF)
- Indigent Defense Application Fee (IDAF)
- Driver Education and Training Fund (DETF)
Partial Payment Priority List: Fines assessed on or after January 1, 2017 and prior to August 3, 2020
- Peace Officers' Annuity and Benefit Fund (POAB)
- Clerks' Retirement Fund (CRF)
- Sheriffs' Retirement Fund (SRF)
- Peace Officer, Prosecutor, and Indigent Defense Fund (POPIDF-A)
- Peace Officer, Prosecutor, and Indigent Defense Fund (POPIDF-B)
- Jail Construction and Staffing Fund (JAIL)
- Local Victim Assistance Programs (LVAP)
- Law Library (LL)
- County General Fund (COUNTY)
- Crime Victims Emergency Fund (CVEF)
- Indigent Defense Application Fee (IDAF)
- Brain and Spinal Injury Trust Fund (BSITF)
- Drug Abuse Treatment and Education Fund (DATE)
- Crime Lab Fee (CLF)
- Safe Harbor Fund (SHF)
- Driver Education and Training Fund (DETF)
Partial Payment Priority List: Fines assessed on or after July 1, 2012 and prior to January 1, 2017
- Peace Officers' Annuity and Benefit Fund (POAB)
- Clerks' Retirement Fund (CRF)
- Sheriffs' Retirement Fund (SRF)
- Peace Officer, Prosecutor, and Indigent Defense Fund (POPIDF-A)
- Peace Officer, Prosecutor, and Indigent Defense Fund (POPIDF-B)
- Jail Construction and Staffing Fund (JAIL)
- Local Victim Assistance Programs (LVAP)
- Law Library (LL)
- County General Fund (COUNTY)
- Crime Victims Emergency Fund (CVEF)
- Indigent Defense Application Fee (IDAF)
- Brain and Spinal Injury Trust Fund (BSITF)
- Drug Abuse Treatment and Education Fund (DATE)
- Crime Lab Fee (CLF)
- Driver Education and Training Fund (DETF)
Partial Payment Priority List: Fines assessed prior to July 1, 2012
- Peace Officers' Annuity and Benefit Fund (POAB)
- Clerks' Retirement Fund (CRF)
- Sheriffs' Retirement Fund (SRF)
- Peace Officer, Prosecutor, and Indigent Defense Fund (POPIDF-A)
- Peace Officer, Prosecutor, and Indigent Defense Fund (POPIDF-B)
- Law Library (LL)
- Jail Construction and Staffing Fund (JAIL)
- Crime Victims Emergency Fund (CVEF)
- Indigent Defense Application Fee (IDAF)
- County General Fund (COUNTY)
- Drug Abuse Treatment and Education Fund (DATE)
- Local Victim Assistance Programs (LVAP)
- Brain and Spinal Injury Trust Fund (BSITF)
- Crime Lab Fee (CLF)
- Driver Education and Training Fund (DETF)
Partial Payment Priority List: Fines assessed on or after August 3, 2020
- Peace Officers' Annuity and Benefit Fund (POAB)
- Clerks' Retirement Fund (CRF)
- Probate Judges Retirement Fund (PRF)
- Sheriffs' Retirement Fund (SRF)
- Brain and Spinal Injury Trust Fund (BSITF)
- City/County General Fund (CITY/COUNTY)
- Jail Construction and Staffing Fund (JAIL)
- Peace Officer, Prosecutor, and Indigent Defense Fund (POPIDF-A)
- Peace Officer, Prosecutor, and Indigent Defense Fund (POPIDF-B)
- Local Victim Assistance Programs (LVAP)
- Law Library (LL)
- Crime Victims Emergency Fund (CVEF)
- Drug Abuse Treatment and Education Fund (DATE)
- Safe Harbor Fund (SHF)
- Crime Lab Fee (CLF)
- Indigent Defense Application Fee (IDAF)
- Driver Education and Training Fund (DETF)
Partial Payment Priority List: Fines assessed on or after January 1, 2017 and prior to August 3, 2020
- Peace Officers' Annuity and Benefit Fund (POAB)
- Any retirement fund (as may be applicable)
- Law Library (LL)
- Peace Officer, Prosecutor, and Indigent Defense Fund (POPIDF-A)
- Peace Officer, Prosecutor, and Indigent Defense Fund (POPIDF-B)
- City/County General Fund (CITY/COUNTY)
- Jail Construction and Staffing Fund (JAIL)
- Crime Lab Fee (CLF)
- Crime Victims Emergency Fund (CVEF)
- Indigent Defense Application Fee (IDAF)
- Drug Abuse Treatment and Education Fund (DATE)
- Local Victim Assistance Programs (LVAP)
- Brain and Spinal Injury Trust Fund (BSITF)
- Safe Harbor Fund (SHF)
- Driver Education and Training Fund (DETF)
Partial Payment Priority List: Fines assessed prior to January 1, 2017
- Peace Officers' Annuity and Benefit Fund (POAB)
- Any retirement fund (as may be applicable)
- Law Library (LL)
- Peace Officer, Prosecutor, and Indigent Defense Fund (POPIDF-A)
- Peace Officer, Prosecutor, and Indigent Defense Fund (POPIDF-B)
- City/County General Fund (CITY/COUNTY)
- Jail Construction and Staffing Fund (JAIL)
- Crime Lab Fee (CLF)
- Crime Victims Emergency Fund (CVEF)
- Indigent Defense Application Fee (IDAF)
- Drug Abuse Treatment and Education Fund (DATE)
- Local Victim Assistance Programs (LVAP)
- Brain and Spinal Injury Trust Fund (BSITF)
- Driver Education and Training Fund (DETF)