
The GSCCCA publishes reports of the remittance and fund information it receives on a daily basis. The reports are categorized according to whether money is remitted or reported to the GSCCCA. Remittable funds are those for which the GSCCCA receives money on behalf of a beneficiary fund. Reportable funds are those for which the GSCCCA receives a report of monies kept local or remitted elsewhere.
The summary reports provide high-level information about each fund. For remittable funds, the detail reports contain information for each fund including which courts have remitted money to the GSCCCA, the remittance amount and the date processed by the GSCCCA. The reports also list courts that have not reported for the month, although it should be noted that remittances/reports are not due until the last day of the month. The reportable detail reports list similar information.
These reports were generated on the last day of the Fiscal Year and reflect the year-end totals for all courts. As such, this data is not dynamic and is presented to provide historical information only. To see current data which is updated daily, please Click Here.
Detail Reports
- Brain and Spinal Injury Trust Fund
- Children's Trust Fund - Divorce Surcharge
- Children's Trust Fund - Marriage License Fee
- Civil Action Surcharge
- Crime Lab Fee
- Crime Victims Emergency Fund
- Driver Education and Training Fund
- Georgia State Indemnification Fund
- Indigent Defense Application Fee
- Judicial Operations Fund Fee
- POPIDF-A Bond Forfeitures
- POPIDF-B Bond Forfeitures
- Safe Harbor Fund
- Trust Fund Interest
- Trust Fund Interest - Sheriffs
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- City General Fund
- Clerks' Retirement Fund
- County General Fund
- Drug Abuse Treatment and Education Fund
- Indigent Defense Application Fee
- Jail Construction and Staffing Fund
- Judicial Operations Fund Fee
- Law Library
- Local Victim Assistance Programs
- Magistrates Retirement Fund
- Peace Officers' Annuity and Benefit Fund
- POPIDF-A Bond Forfeitures
- POPIDF-B Bond Forfeitures
- Probate Judges Retirement Fund
- Probation Fees
- Publication Fee
- Restitution
- Sheriffs' Retirement Fund